We are pleased to announce that the ACIA will now be producing Podcasts on the first Thursday of the Month.
We are also pleased to welcome Jason Elder and Mindy Duong from LEAP - Law Enforcement Analysts Podcasts - who will kindly be hosting our podcasts on their site.
Our guests will be from a variety of backgrounds, experience and profession, but all with valuable and insightful views on Crime & Intelligence Analysis and it's place in modern society.
The purpose of these podcasts is to provide a support network, to improve analyst development, and create a critical mass to help improve change. It is all about coming together with others to share experiences, information and ideas so we can all develop regardless as to where we are in the world.
We would like all our listeners to be open-minded and allow us to network and promote the profession.
As ever, in the spirit of collaboration, if you would like to hear a particular speaker (or know one!), or have a subject matter or theme you'd like to hear about, drop us a line at podcasts@acia.org.uk
ACIA Africa Series - Crime Analysis from between the tropics
Episode: 0003
Topic: Proper Use of Interviewing for Evidence
Release Date: 23rd of December 2021
Podcast Writer: Emmanuel James Oteng
Voice over: Dr. Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
Episode: 0002
Title: Crooked Folk
Topic: Transnational Crime- bribery, rough practices & money laundering.
Release Date: 25th Of November 2021
Podcast Writer: Emmanuel James Oteng
Voice over: Dr Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
Episode 0001
Title: Criminal Intelligence in the African setting
Topic: What aspects of Criminal Intelligence should be better promoted in the African setting? How can this best be done?
Release Date: 11th Of November 2021
Podcast Writer: Emmanuel James Oteng
Voice over: Dr. Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).

Emmanuel Oteng, previously a reservist with the British Army Intelligence Corps, trained as a Criminal Intelligence Analyst with Kent Police and worked in that force concentrating on armed robbery, burglar-handler networks and firearms offence. Since then, he relocated to Uganda, East Africa and has been involved in training Prison Officers there and in surrounding countries in the set-up and running of Correctional Services Intelligence Systems to enhance prison security and counter escape, prison disorder, staff corruption or abuse, ingress of contraband, prison radicalisation and other security breaches.
ACIA Podcasts
Episode: 0018
Title: Nadia Tuominen: The Creator
Release Date: 3rd of February 2022
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Voice overs: Dr Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Other resources: https://www.newinsightanalysis.com/food-for-thought-workshop/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).

Nadia Tuominen is a career Intelligence Professional with a career spanning law enforcement, sports corruption, and financial crime investigation. She is also the creator of the CPD accredited workshop "Food for Thought - Thinking Skills in the Modern Age", open to persons of any industry interested in improving their reasoning and decision making skills and incorporating their personal wellbeing along the way. Outside of work, Nadia is a big fan of CrossFit, hiking, and escaping into a good book.
Episode: 0017
Title: The Benefits of Practice Based Courses in Policing and Law Enforcement
Release Date: 20th of January 2022
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Voice overs: Dr. Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Other resources: https://www.college.police.uk/career-learning/joining-police/joining-new-pc
https://www.ntu.ac.uk/course/social-sciences/ug/this-year/professional-policing https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-rudkin-1777b614b/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
Phil Rudkin began his career working for Oxford Magnet Technology working as an ICT Helpdesk operative dealing with technical ICT issues following the successful completion of his degree in Computer Science.
He joined Leicestershire Police in 2003, He worked in both forward facing front line operational roles including response policing, neighbourhood policing and prisoner processing. He's also worked as a control room operative working alongside senior officers in Silver Command situations such as football matches, and large events such as the Download music festival.
For the past 8 years, he's trained new policing recruits both Specials, Regulars and PCSO’s legislative inputs and IT Systems required for their role.
In 2015, he was the lead designer and instructor responsible for all the training of the Niche RMS system used by the City of London Police Northamptonshire Police, Leicestershire Police, Derbyshire Police and Nottinghamshire Police, which is on a shared collaborative platform holding the rank of Sgt and running large training teams.
In 2018 Phil started his career with NTU as a Senior Lecturer and was the programme leader for BA Policing, his role resulted in him developing the new BA Professional Policing degree licenced by the College of Policing for undergraduate study to be launched in Sep 2019. Phil was promoted to Principal Lecturer in 2019 with a portfolio of Policing and International Law Enforcement. As a result, Phil manages programmes spanning levels 4 to 7 both within NTU and with international partners. Phil heads up the policing team working alongside his counterpart in Criminology to effectively deliver criminal justice provisions for NTU.
In Sep 2021 Phil was appointed as Adjunct Associate Professor for Saito University College in Malaysia where he advises on curriculum development, and is part of the board for the Security Academy. He was also appointed as Academic liaison tutor for NTU'S partnership with the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission MACC.
Episode: 0016
Title: Owain Mason-Johns: Delivering Intelligence Capabilities
Release Date: 6th of December 2022
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Voice overs: Dr Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
ACIA Snippet resources: https://doi.org/10.1080/10683160500056945
Other resources: https://www.kirisgroup.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
Owain Mason-Johns is the Head of Intelligence & Investigations at Kiris Group, where he specialises in developing bespoke intelligence solutions for clients – delivering Kiris Group intelligence capabilities in the most novel way possible. Focussing on both defensive activities rooted in intelligence best practice, as well as active capabilities designed to deliver targeted collection and effects. Most recently, this has focused on developing augmented intelligence processes to leverage OSINT in predictive behavioural analytics. He is passionate about intelligence & analytical capability, counter-intelligence capability and the delivery of tradecraft practice in the digital domain, where his expertise lies in the marriage of IT security and online behaviours.
Prior to joining Kiris Group, he was a Military Intelligence Officer, specialising in counterintelligence.
Episode: 00015
Title: Dr Camie Condon: What it is like being an analyst
Release Date: November 2021
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Voice overs: Dr Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
ACIA Snippet resources: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10683160500056945
Other resources: http://www.tacticaldecisionmaking.org/team/camie-condon/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-camie-c-condon-a9299719/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:17- Introducing Camie
00:00:48- How Camie got into law enforcement
00:04:45- Being an Analyst
00:06:40- Forming their own crime analyst network
00:18:53- The flow of the analyst
00:36:00- ACIA Science snippet
Dr. Camie Condon is the academic coordinator for the Intelligence and Crime Analysis degree program at Seneca College. Camie was the Scholar in Residence with Wilfrid Laurier University in Police Bachelors program and a part-time faculty member in the Psychology. She has an extensive background in crime analysis and intelligence research with iBRABO in addition to over 11 years as a police crime analyst. Camie has been the recipient of the 2005 Woman of the Year award for excellence in teaching and has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching award from Wilfrid Laurier University. She has published numerous articles and presented internationally on the use of social media in the analysis of terrorist content. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Criminology from Michigan State University, a Master’s degree in Investigative Psychology and a Ph.D. in Psychology both with the University of Liverpool.
Episode: 0014
Title: Cliff Aguiar: Leading the way in Law Enforcement
Release Date: November 2021
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Voice overs: Dr Susanne Knabe-nicol/ Police Science Dr
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
ACIA Snippet resources: Targeting Knife-Enabled Homicides for Preventive Policing: A Stratified Resource Allocation Model | SpringerLink
Other resources: https://ocan.ca/cliff-aguiar/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:17- Introducing Cliff
00:00:48- How Cliff started in Law Enforcement
00:08:41- Being an analyst
00:19:25- Being a Director of OCAN and how this links to linking to silos
00:25:39- The analyst role: where we are, where we are going, where we want to be
I began my career at York Regional Police in 2008 as a District Crime Analyst serving the regions of Newmarket and Markham and eventually serving as a Crime Analyst for the region of Vaughan and King for four years. Some of my responsibilities included analyzing data and applying research methods to identify crime patterns and series, modus operandi profiles, victim/target profiles and identifying high crime/call areas or locations where public disorder are likely to occur. Moreover, the District Crime Analyst forecasts, projects and analyzes crime by conducting correlation and regression analysis and using various investigative analysis software, database programs, statistical calculations and other computer software to determine if crimes are linked. We are also responsible for identifying and monitoring known criminals/organizations and any potential police hazards within the community.
After years of service in the Districts and embedded with the York communities, I was assigned to the Intelligence Unit where I worked as a strategic analyst while assigned to a variety of organized crime portfolios. I believe that I am considered a subject matter expert as it relates to Eastern European Organized Crime (EEOC), Organized Distraction Thefts and Fraud Investigations and have several Intelligence Reports that warrant my awareness of these crime types and organizational groups. I supported 5 different criminal portfolios on a tactical and strategic level inclusive of Fraud, Hold Up, Drugs & Vice and Eastern European Organized Crime (Georgian Organized Crime) understanding principles of organized crime and gang intelligence in Canada. My functions included developing meticulous linkage analysis charts while producing detailed and referenced strategic intelligence reports. I also analyzed electronic records meticulously producing reports for investigative practice and disclosure and testified at several trials including delivery testimony in an attempted murder investigation in relation to the movement of the accused parties telephone records and tower locations. I am also considered well versed in the area of social media analysis with advanced capabilities at discovering identities online while utilizing open source searches and software to manage organizational risk. In 2009 I was awarded the Crime Analyst of the year award after being nominated by senior officials for his analytical support in several criminal investigations and for exceeding the organizations values with respect to teamwork and accountability.
As a result of my extensive experiences and background, I was asked by senior officials to be seconded to the newly formed Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC) at York Regional Police as a Criminal Intelligence Analyst to assist in creating / developing the crime analyst position. After a successful eight months of testing, the position was made permanent and I was assigned to create the job posting and assist in the staffing and training of a secondary analyst. The Real Time Operations Centre analyst is highly tactical, responding to officers live with a variety of requests while triaging the calls for service to seek organization and officer risk in real time. The position has a strategic component that requires the analyst to ingest criminal information and produce strategic intelligence reports addressing areas of risk including gang intelligence, organized crime, money laundering, terrorism, cyber intelligence, drugs and weapons.
Prior to my service with York Regional Police, I was employed as a Fraud Investigator with several financial institutions while pursuing my honourary bachelor’s degree in Criminology from the University of Toronto where I graduated with honours. Experiences in the financial institutions included investigating skimming files, internal fraud investigations, money laundering investigations and cybercrime. In addition to these investigative duties, I provided internal training to members of the financial institutions on detecting fraud and created an online forum for recognizing fraud patterns with the intention of providing support for employees to stop fraud at the front end. I was both nominated and awarded several internal awards at the Royal Bank of Canada and Meridian Credit Union for innovative strategies in combatting crime while championing training and education surrounding fraud mechanisms.
In late 2015 I was invited to assist officials at Seneca College in developing a Bachelor of Criminal Intelligence and Analysis program by reviewing the program map and making recommendations for new courses that would promulgate the course to new levels and provide students with an innovative program designed to reflect current analytical strategies. Some of the new courses created included Organized Crime in Canada, Gang Intelligence and Social Media Networking and Analysis. In January 2016 I was then invited to teach Diversity and First Nations to students of the Police Foundations course at Seneca College overseeing approximately 90 students and providing a forum in understanding issues in Diversity (race, gender, sexual orientation) as it is applied in policing as well as exploring First Nation experiences in Canada.
I was also the Creator and Co-chair of an Internal Support Network (ISN) at York Regional Police called YRP Pride. The ISN provides a forum of support for members of the organization an avenue to garner support, feel inclusive, as well as developing external and internal partnerships to champion training and education surrounding issues in LGBTQ policing and Transgendered issues. In 2016 I founded the organizations first public event hosting members of the community who are transgendered to speak to YRP officers about their experiences and beginning to form open discussions about Transgendered issues. The ISN is the largest at YRP with over 35 members who oversee attending public events (Pride). In 2016 the ISN was awarded with an award for “Outstanding Community Service” by PFLAG for maintaining excellent external partnerships with perpetuating positive community member relations.
In May of 2020 I was invited by the Ontario Chief Coroner's Office (OCCO) to serve as a crime analyst for Broken Trust - a reinvestigaton of nine sudden deaths in Thunder Bay. The release for that extraordinary report will be released in 2021 and will serve to invigorate discussions in the policing community.
Episode: 0013
Title: Dr Andreas Olligschlaeger: Fighting Crimes Through Machine Learning and Big Data Technology
Release Date: 4th of November 2021
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:17- Introducing Olli
00:01:13- How Olli started in Law Enforcement
00:04:46: Law Enforcement in the US
00:05:23: Human Trafficking
00:20:23: Changes that are needed
00:28:54: ACIA’s NEW PODCAST: Crime Analysis: From Between the Tropics. Hosted by Emmanuel James Oteng.
Dr. Andreas (Olli) M. Olligschlaeger specializes in law enforcement information systems and software development for federal, state and local agencies. Formerly a systems scientist at Carnegie Mellon University, with appointments at the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy, the Robotics Institute and the School of Computer Science, Olli also has practical experience working within law enforcement agencies in vice and narcotics enforcement, crime analysis and criminal intelligence. The primary focus of his 30 year career spanning academia, practical law enforcement and private industry has been on integrating advanced technologies into systems designed to not only support law enforcement personnel in their investigations, but also to make them more efficient.
Olli’s primary expertise is in artificial intelligence methods for crime forecasting, advanced analytical tools for the automated mining of very large data sets for both crime analysis and criminal intelligence, meta data extraction, advanced spatial statistical methods, expert systems, and designing and implementing tools to collect millions of OSINT records from the web on a daily basis and ingest them into a variety of databases. His work in correctional intelligence has included the automated mining of and topic detection within speech recognized text derived from inmate telephone calls. Most recently Olli is applying big data analytics, computer vision, natural language processing and other machine learning techniques to detect human trafficking in on line adult escort ads. Together with his team at Marinus Analytics he recently finished third in the Global AI for Good XPrize competition.
Olli is a member of the International Association of Crime Analysts, the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts, the Society of Police Futurists International, where he is a past president, and serves on the ethics advisory board of the High Tech Crime Consortium.
Episode: 0012
Title: David Toddington: The person who has done it all
Release Date: 21st of October 2021
Related Links: https://www.toddington.com/team-member/david-toddington/ Link for research Snippet: Tonkin, M., Woodhams, J., Bull, R., Bond, J. W., & Palmer, E. J. (2011). Linking different types of crime using geographical and temporal proximity, Criminal Justice & Behaviour, 38, 1069-1088. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854811418599
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts , https://www.leapodcasts.com/
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:14- Introducing David
00:03:14- Thinking about Thinking… What does this mean?
00:04:16- From Front line experience to being on the TV.
00:12:30- Discussing Police forces and LEA around the world: the differences
00:16:30- Who is the Toddington International?
00:23:52- ACIA Science Snippet
00:23:33: ACIA’s NEW PODCAST: Crime Analysis: From Between the Tropics. Hosted by Emmanuel James Oteng.
David Toddington is the Founder & CEO of TII. With a background as a senior manager in the IT industry, and with front-line experience in national security, police and military operations, David has developed a number of highly acclaimed training programs that enable front-line investigative and research professionals to produce superior intelligence products using cutting edge OSINT tools in conjunction with advanced critical thinking methodologies.
David has held numerous police appointments including Royal Canadian Mounted Police Supernumerary Constable, Designated Law Enforcement Officer (DLEO) with the Organized Crime Agency of British Columbia, and RCMP Auxiliary Constable within the Province of British Columbia. David has also served in both Canada’s Army and Navy Primary Reserves in addition to the Cadet Instructor Cadre program (Air).
Among other awards, David has been the recipient of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commanding Officer’s Commendation for his work in the development and implementation of new police Open Source Intelligence systems.
In working with the private sector, David maintains a position as Special Advisor to the International Chamber of Commerce Commercial Crime Section in London and is sought after by numerous Fortune 100 companies to provide training and consulting services to organizations in the financial, manufacturing and pharmaceutical sectors.
Cast in the BAFTA nominated, ground breaking, hit UK television series “Hunted” over its first four seasons, David featured prominently on the program, utilizing his skills as an online OSINT specialist and digital surveillance expert to pursue and apprehend the program’s fugitives.
Outside of his work with TII, David is a Private Pilot (Aeroplane category), a Flight Instructor (Ultralight category) and an Advanced Operations Pilot for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. David is an active volunteer, flight crew member and RPAS pilot with the Civil Aviation Search and Rescue Association (CASARA).
Episode: 0011
Title: S- Branch: The Power of Technology
Release Date: 7th of October 2021
Related Links: https://s-branch.co.uk/, Link for research Snippet: Original, full article
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:14- Introducing Keith
00:00:35- Creating S-Branch
00:03:16- Keith’s experiences with S-Branch
00:06:52- Working with Police services
00:12:00- How YOU can get involved with S-Branch
00:16:55- ACIA Science Snippet
Keith Musson has extended experience in assisting law enforcement agencies to get the most out of their data and the best out of their software investment. Keith has also worked with a number of commercial clients to help uncover fraud; usually by consolidating data hidden in disparate systems.
Keith has been working with data analytics software since 2006. He previously worked at IBM, where he consulted on the i2 analysis suite to clients around the world. He now provides expertise on a number of different technologies, where he designs and implements data analytic solutions for client and partners in a number of sectors. Recently Keith has been incorporating Machine Learning and Big Data technology into solutions to complement more traditional analytical tools like i2.
Episode: 0010
Title: The NAWG: Observations, Challenges and Plans for the Future
Release Date: 16th of September
Related Links: https://www.college.police.uk/, https://twitter.com/policenawg?lang=en \
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts
Podcast Social Media: Twitter: ACIA_org, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:02- Introducing Leigh
00:01:38- Where we are at the moment in terms of law enforcement
00:03:53- How has the analyst role changed
00:09:00- Challenges of analysis
00:10:00- Analysts of the future
00:21:53- ACIA Science Snippet
Leigh Morgan-Jones – Head of Service Delivery - Staffordshire Police. Leigh has been enjoying her career at Staffordshire Police since 2003 following her role as an Analyst for West Midlands Police and is part of the Knowledge Hub Command Team specifically responsible for research, intelligence, performance and analysis force-wide. Leigh leads several happy teams that deliver a consistent outstanding service for Local Policing, Investigative Services and Force strategic leaders as well as a Real Time Intelligence function within the Contact Services Department.
Episode: 0009
Title: Place and Space: How We Understand Both Concepts in Relation to Law Enforcement.
Release Date: 2nd of September
Related Links: Brantingham, P. J., & Brantingham, P. L. (1981). Environmental criminology. New York: Sage.
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts
Podcast Social Media: ACIA, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:30- Introducing Derek
00:03:15- The Dark web project
00:09:20- Integration problems: Place and Space
00:14:00- Incorporating digital within these places and spaces
00:33:33- ACIA Science Snippet
Derek joined Northumbria University in 2008 as a lecturer in Crime Science and has been the BSc Crime Science programme leader since attaining the position of senior lecturer in 2009. He has considerable experience of the teaching and learning quality assessment processes, developed a BA programme in Human Geography & Crime and a number of bespoke accredited training courses for industry.
Derek is the Principal Investigator for an EU-funded project in partnership with 6 European agencies and government bodies concerning transnational offending and the exchange of bioinformatics across EU state borders. In addition Derek is actively engaged in securing funding from the private sector for a student bursaries and research projects.Prior to joining academia Derek was a serving UK Police Officer for 30 years during which time he received 8 commendations for investigatory work. He spent the majority of his service in investigation roles working in departments ranging from general localised criminal investigation, Vice & Drug investigations, National and International investigations and major crime operations.
Episode: 0008
Title: Autism and Law Enforcement: How much do we know?
Release Date: 17th of August 2021
Name Drops: Locate International, Regional Counter-Terrorism Advisory Group
Related Links: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/jill-dando-institute/sites/jill-dando-institute/files/self_selection_final_no_20.pdf
Associations Mentioned: Locate International, Regional Counter-Terrorism Advisory Group
Contact: LinkedIn profile
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts
Podcast social media: ACIA, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:00:12- Introducing Tanja
00:01:57- Locate International
00:04:20- Skill sets Autistic analysts provide
00:18:36- The interview Process and how this can affect those who are on the autistic spectrum
00:25:44- Break
00:25:55- Research Snippet with the Police Science Dr
00:26:58- How distractions have negative impacts
Tanja Conway-Grim works in a variety of roles with different organisations such as the NHS and the police. She is on the autistic spectrum and is an experienced presenter and workshop facilitator on a variety of subjects including autism, neurodivergence, co-production, and missing persons. She has a BSc (Hons) in Biological Sciences and an MRes in Forensic Investigation. She is a member of the Regional Counter-Terrorism Advisory Group (RCTAG) and sits on the Advisory Board of Locate International - which specialises in reviewing cold-case homicides and long-term missing person cases using OSINT. Autistic Detectives is a project to explore the positive attributes of autism and how it can benefit investigations.
Title: Boost your Intelligence Analysis with the Power of Location
Release Date: 5th of August 2021
Name Drops: Geospatial Commission, Cabinet Office
Related Links:
Featured as one of the 30 women’s in the global Women in GIS Volume 2, Esri Press (> promotional storymap)
The Government Geography Profession: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/government-geography-profession
To register: https://members.geography.gov.uk/register/
Resources links:
GIS and Crime Mapping, Spencer Chainey & Jerry Ratcliffe (2005)
Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 small steps, Ronald V. Clarke and John Eck (2016)
Sherman, L., and Kumar, S. (2021). Equal Protection by Race with Stop and Frisk: a Risk-Adjusted Disparity (RAD) Index for Balanced Policing, Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing, 5, 1-19.
Link for article: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41887-021-00065-4
Associations Mentioned: Geoservices, Geospatial Commission, Cabinet Office, Women+ in Geospatial and GovGeoProfession.
Contact: Linked in profile
Podcast Writer: Paige Keningale
Theme Song: Wolf Moon- Unicorn Heads.
Podcast Email: podcasts@acia.org.uk
Podcast Webpage: https://www.acia.org.uk/Podcasts
Podcast Social Media: ACIA, LinkedIn: Association of Crime and Intelligence Analysts (UK).
00:01:02 - Introducing Olivia
00:05:15 - Location at the heart of analysis/problem solving
00:18:40 - The tools and skills needed
00:28:12 - ACIA Science Snippet
00:29:07 - Olivia's Top Tips for Analysts
Olivia Powell is passionate about geospatial data and its ability to unlock unique insights to decision making. With an MSC in Geographic Information Systems, Olivia spent 16 years working in Avon and Somerset Police, first in Criminal Intelligence Analysis (using it daily to solve cases and strategic problems) then as the Geoservices team manager, coordinating the spatial analysis training for the analytical profession and expanding the use of geospatial tools to their business areas, making Avon and Somerset Police one of the most geospatially driven force in the UK.
She has now joined the Geospatial Commission, in Cabinet Office, and continues to promote the use of location data across the UK and the UK’s great geospatial expertise worldwide as International Lead. Olivia is also passionate about diversity and sits on the Executive Board of Women+ in Geospatial.
Podcast 006 - 'Ian Callaghan: Protecting Sport Against Sources of Corruption'
About the guests:
Ian Callaghan is the Intelligence Manager at Stats Perform, where he works with sport rights holders and betting operators to protect sports against match-fixing and other integrity risks. Ian has over 17 years’ experience in intelligence and data analysis roles across law enforcement, regulatory bodies and local government. During this podcast Ian shares his career journey with us and helps us understand how Stats Perform is impacting sports around the world by launching new Fan Engagement, Sports Betting and Team Performance solutions.
If you would like to contact Ian, please find him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/icallaghan/ or if you want more information about Stats Perform please see https://www.statsperform.com/.
Podcast 005 - 'Danielle Williams - The Experienced Analyst'
About the guests:
Dani has been an intelligence analyst within policing for 16 years and a special constable for 12. She initially worked on divisional level 1 criminality before moving forces to work on a Major Incident Team. She then moved back to divisional work but within the world of child sexual exploitation undertaking both strategic and tactical work to improve the policing response to this type of criminality. She then moved over to work in a multi-agency CSE team working for the council and then moved to the Joint Slavery and Trafficking Analysis Centre where she represented territorial policing and was the lead for Child Trafficking.
Dani was one of the winners of the ACIA awards in 2014 and went on to win the IALEIA award in 2015. She regularly speaks at conferences and enjoys promoting the work of analysis in law enforcement.
Dani recently left law enforcement to take the post of Child Protection Lead Analyst within a safety tech company at the forefront of tackling online abuse of children.
Podcast 004 - 'Forensic Analytics- The Innovators'
About the guests:
Jenna and Andrew both work for Forensic Analytics, a company who are the leading provider of innovative software solutions in the fight against crime and has recently received the Queens Award for Enterprise Innovation 2021.
Podcast 003 - 'The Magician's Apprenticeship'
About the guests:
Professor Lawrence W. Sherman is the founder of the Evidence-Based Policing movement and Honorary President of the Society of Evidence-Based Policing (UK). Professor Sherman began his career in police research in the New York City Police Department in 1971 as a civilian analyst in the Office of the Commissioner. Since then, he has conducted research in over 30 police agencies including the Metropolitan Police and the Australian Federal Police and has made major contributions across the policing community. His major contributions include his 1998 Police Foundation Lecture on Evidence Based Policing and his development of the Cambridge Crime Harm Index in 1987.
Now, Professor Sherman is offering Intelligence Analyst Apprenticeship Training under a level 4 Cambridge pathway for Evidence-Based Policing.
Podcast 002 - 'Cyber-wareness' - Dr Vasilis Karagiannopoulos' talk will focus on his work for the award-winning Cybercrime Awareness Clinic he directs and will discuss the findings from previous and current work relating to cyberawareness for young people, small and medium organisations and older adults over 60 years of age. This will involve work he has done for Hampshire police, the National Cyber Security Centre and the European Commission Interreg 2 Seas. Finally, Dr Karagiannopoulos will analyse the Clinic model as a public criminology innovation project and will review the challenges and lessons learned from the experience or running the Clinic in the past 3.5 years.
About the guests:
Dr. Vasilis Karagiannopoulos is a Reader in Cybercrime and Cybersecurity at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies (ICJS), University of Portsmouth. Vas graduated from Athens Law School and completed an LLM in Information Technology and Telecommunications Law and a PhD in Law at the University of Strathclyde. He is currently the Director of the Cybercrime Awareness Clinic, which was recently awarded a National Cyber Awareness Award in the National Cyber Awards 2020 sponsored by the National Police Chiefs’ Council. He has also developed and led the launch of the innovative BSc in Criminology and Cybercrime in 2018 and has published in national and international academic journals and magazines on various cyber-related issues. He is currently working on national and international Clinic projects funded by the EU Commission, the National Cyber Security Centre and the Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats.
Podcast 001 - 'Missing in plain sight' - Neil Smith and Dave Grimstead from Locate discuss Open Source Intelligence and how information is used to find missing people. Locate also have their own Podcast called The Missing, which you can check out here. They're also looking for Analyst volunteers to help out on a new project starting March 2021. Get in touch if you want to try something different!
About the guests:
Neil Smith: After serving over 10 years as a police officer in a UK Police force, Neil has spent most of the last 15 years as a full-time investigative researcher for a mixture of clients. Neil regularly speaks on the subject of open source intelligence and using the internet as an investigative tool at a number of conferences and events both in the UK and around the world.
Dave Grimstead: Dave has worked in the field of international and serious organised crime with the UK National Crime Squad (now NCA). He has utilised his experience in covert operations, leading successful investigations to tackle trafficking of drugs and people. Dave enjoyed a distinguished policing career as a Detective Inspector; leading and managing complex investigations from kidnap and extortion to child homicide.

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