Award Winners 2016
Strategic Analysis Award Winner, 2016
Jenna Thomas, (Devon and Cornwall Police)
“In late 2016, with my manager’s backing, we submitted my work on Vulnerability through the Years to the ACIA for consideration for their strategic/problem solving award. This was a project I had spent about six months working on, in which I had taken an age-based approach to the analysis of our crime (and other) data sets to identify which crime types and other vulnerabilities were having the greatest impact on people at different stages of their life. I incorporated contextual information from websites, academic research and national/international reports to help explain the findings in the data or to add additional understanding and there were also case studies to show the development of offending over time and missed intervention points.
In submitting the work for the awards, we gathered testimonials from our Head of Prevention, one of our Community Safety Partnership Managers and our PCC’s office to demonstrate how this work was providing an evidence base that could be used in multiple ways.
I was delighted when I discovered that I had won the award, because it was gratifying to receive recognition from the judging panel, which was made up of a variety of very experienced professionals. I was unable to attend the awards ceremony, but Keith Jackson and Richard Berry were kind enough to travel down to Devon for a more personal presentation with our Chief Constable, Shaun Sawyer.
My work was the subject of a two-page article in the policing magazine Police Professional and our Corporate Communications department wrote a press release that went out both internally and externally on Facebook and Twitter etc. It was great to be able to share this online with friends and family, as most of them have no idea what I do or what a strategic analyst is!
I was then really honoured to be told I had also been chosen to receive one of IALEIA’s international awards and was invited to attend their conference, which this year was in Minnesota, to be presented with the award.
The conference was a brilliant event. There were a variety of seminars on offer, although intelligence and preventing terrorism were the most common themes. But I also attended sessions on Excel techniques, an academic presentation on identifying potential contact sex offenders online, real time social media and structured analytical techniques. By attending certain seminars I picked up two analytical certificates to add to my CV. It was also great to meet Ruth O’Malley, winner of the Operational analysis award, to share the experience together and to make a really valuable contact in the UK analytical world.
They were quite long days with the first seminar starting at 8am, but they were spaced throughout the day with long enough breaks in between to talk to other attendees and find out more about how policing differs in the US to the UK. Everyone was incredibly friendly and at 5:30pm each evening we moved from the seminars to a social event sponsored by one of the event’s sponsors. One evening we had the whole Hard Rock Café to ourselves, and another night the Sky Sports Bar, with food and drinks included.
On the final night we had the awards banquet: the IALEIA and their sister organisation LEIU, each presented their awards, then there was a buffet dinner, followed by entertainment provided by a professional comedian, who also happened to be an ex-cop….
Overall, as a result of winning these awards, my analytical work has gained a lot more traction within my own force, as well as national publicity; I have met some great people, and I have learned lots about analysis, intelligence and law enforcement outside of my own force area. I would definitely recommend that other analysts who feel they have been innovative or particularly successful in their work should put themselves forward to their manager for entry into next year’s awards. ”
Tactical Analysis Award Winner, 2016
Ruth O'Malley, Greater Manchester Police (GMP)
“I had been assigned to Op CODA for two years when my DCI nominated me for the award. It was the sort of case that took over my life: evenings and weekends were consumed working on it. It was all I lived, breathed and slept. I was honoured that my DCI felt the work was good enough to be nominated for the ACIA award. When I received the call from my DCI to say that I had won the tactical award, I couldn’t believe it. I felt so humbled to have been recognised by my profession with the National Award.
I have working in tactical analysis for 12 years on some very serious cases, but none were as challenging or rewarding as Operation CODA so to receive the award for that was just an amazing feeling. Attending the awards ceremony was fantastic. I spoke to some really interesting people and it was a good opportunity to learn about other techniques people were employing to drive forward investigations.
As a result of the National Award, I was then entered into the IALEIA award. I honestly thought that I’d have no chance at winning that. I thought that what I had done, must be being replicated elsewhere across the world. You can imagine my surprise when I got an email to say that I had won the IALEIA award! Thanks to the support from ACIA and my Managers at GMP, I was able to get the funding to attend the IALEIA conference in Minnesota, USA. This was a massive opportunity for me. I was over the moon to be able to attend.

Attending the actual conference was a good experience: to learn what is going on across law enforcement internationally; and to look at ways analysts can help combat or solve crimes. When it came to the awards ceremony, the conference organisers even allowed for my husband to accompany me. This meant so much to me, as the case had affected his life too.
I know I wouldn’t have been able to achieve what I did without his unwavering support, so to be allowed to bring him with me was just perfect. Overall the whole experience has been fantastic. I didn’t enter this career looking for praise or recognition, but when an investigation takes over your like in the way that this one did; it is such a wonderful reward for hard work. I would recommend anyone entering the ACIA awards.”
Award Winner 2015
Sue Sumner, (Lancashire Police)
“In August 2014 an 18 year old male was murdered in Preston, Lancashire by members of two separate drugs gangs. The investigation, Operation SEBRING, resulted in 11 people standing trial in February 2015 - total custodial sentences reached 180 years. Soon after the trial ended my Line Manager, Elaine Brunskill, submitted extracts of my work to the ACIA 2015 Awards Committee for consideration.
Like all other Analysts I have always worked in the background happy with an occasional “Well Done” from the SIO. I was therefore amazed to learn that I had won the 2015 ACIA Award and that I was invited to present my work at the Manchester International Crime and Intelligence Analysis Conference in February 2016.
Presenting to my peers from around the country and overseas, and to academics involved in the study and advancement of my chosen field, was quite a daunting experience but I was determined to give it my best shot in the hope that my work might be helpful to other Analysts who found themselves with a similarly demanding case in the future.
At the Awards Ceremony itself I received a beautiful trophy and £1000 in Apple Vouchers and I have to say I was very proud of myself and for Lancashire Constabulary to receive such recognition. It was a great feeling. I was then invited to present my work in Copenhagen in October at the European Crime Analysis Conference 2016, hosted by the Danish National Police. If I had been amazed before I was completely astonished now. It was a tremendous honour and I felt very fortunate indeed as I accepted the invitation.
Keith Jackson, the ACIA President, then told me that my work had also won the Individual Award for Excellence from the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) and that I was invited to receive that Award in April in New Orleans. I was beyond astonished by this point and life had tipped over into the surreal and I found it difficult to think or breathe. What a trip that was. There were over 800 Analysts from 18 countries. There was a range of presentations on a wide variety of subjects by some extremely talented Analysts from around the world. Who better to talk about Kidnap Strategies than the man leading the fight against the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico. There were also trade stands from all of the companies that you normally only see in the movies but most of all there were fantastic people there, all Analysts, who were all dedicated to the work that we do and it was inspiring to be a part of such a community if only for a short time.
Leaving Manchester Airport in -2 degrees cold and arriving in New Orleans to 79 degree heat was yet another surreal experience.
All of this originated with the ACIA and I would encourage all Analysts, whatever their area of work, to submit their products for consideration for an Award. There is no knowing where it might lead: in my case it was to Bourbon Street and a jazz cruise on the Mississippi, to unparalleled networking opportunities, to new experiences and new friends and a renewed pride in the skill, commitment and innovation shown by all members of the professional Analytical community.”
Award Winner 2014
Danielle Williams, (Greater Manchester Police)
“I was absolutely astonished to win the ACIA’s National Award in 2014. I was nominated for the Problem Profile I had developing in relation to child sexual exploitation in Rochdale. This was a piece of work that I became totally engrossed in and I never thought that something I had done would suddenly get this kind of recognition. One of the “prizes” for winning the award was to present your work at the International Crime and Intelligence Analysis conference in Manchester in February 2015. Presenting on this scale was something new to me and well outside my comfort zone. But it could not have gone better. That conference was an amazing experience and I made contacts with many other analysts working on CSE in other force areas. This has been really beneficial and helped me expand my knowledge base and look for examples of best practice in other forces.
I didn’t think anything was going to top that conference. But then the ACIA announced the I had also won the International award that would be presented in Phoenix, Arizona in May 2015. I cannot describe how amazing Phoenix was. It was simply analyst heaven!!!
There is an opening ceremony similar to the Olympic games where I was asked to carry the British flag and then there were four days of amazing seminars. The speakers included analysts from the CIA, NCIS and FBI as well as police departments and sheriff’s offices. It was great to discover some of the similarities that UK intelligence analysts experience with those in the US and also an eye opener to see some of the differences. There were also several training courses available if you attended certain seminars which were really very valuable so I have come away from the conference with two new training certificates to add to my CV. The seminars covered a wide range of subjects from very operational analysis of a prostitution ring to strategic analysis courses.
There was also an exhibition area with stands from IBM, Lexis Nexis, Geofeedia, Wynyard, Track Group, America Military University, the list goes on. So I came back with hundreds of free pens, notebooks, mouse mats, neoprene bottle and can holders!
I was lucky enough to have two days after the conference before flying back home so I was able to explore Phoenix. It really was the trip of a lifetime (excluding my honeymoon) and I feel so lucky to have been part of that.
As a result of both these conferences I have been asked to present at others. I have also met so many amazing analysts and I now have contacts spanning the whole of the UK and beyond. Before I was nominated for the ACIA award I would not have believed that I would ever have done any of the things I have done in the last six months. Presenting to rooms full of hundreds of people including Chief Constables and attending international conferences are things that didn’t happen to analysts in small northern towns! But simply because of that nomination to the ACIA I’ve had the most amazing six months of my career. I hope the ACIA continue to run these awards so that all the analysts out there have something to strive for and the chance earn this recognition.”
Award Winner 2012
Brendan Goffin, (Suffolk Constabulary)
“Before February 2012, I had been working as an intelligence analyst with Suffolk Constabulary for 8 years, and working as a statistical analyst, project analyst and business analyst for the 4 years previous to that within HM Customs & Excise. During this time, I had strived to produce quality strategic and tactical analysis that informs organisations but despite this, limited formal recognition had been forthcoming for the effort that I had put in.
This all changed in February 2012 when my principal intelligence analyst Matthew Bland mentioned that he would like to nominate me for an ACIA award in recognition of my problem solving analysis on Operation Afresh – an anti-social street drinking problem in Ipswich. If I’m honest, I knew very little of ACIA but was very pleased that Matt had thought it was worthy of putting forward for such an award. When I found out that I had won, well it was the most proud moment in my career.
Naturally, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity to collect the award (a beautiful trophy and also an unexpected monetary voucher) and present my analytical work in Birmingham in May 2012. I hope attendees gained an insight around how passionate I am about this project, both in terms of what it has achieved to date and how my analysis has contributed to this. On my return, I received much positive internal media publicity, and a nice letter from the Chief Constable of Suffolk Constabulary.
I knew that winning the ACIA award automatically nominated me for an IALEIA award in 2013 but didn’t expect to hear anything. You can only imagine how I felt when I heard in February 2013 that I had won an IALEIA individual award for excellence. I suddenly had a contender for proudest moment of my career. The award’s presentation was due to take place the second week in April 2013, the same week as my family holiday. After wrestling with my conscience, I decided to attend and was very glad I did so as this was a once in a lifetime experience and I met so many wonderful people from around the globe.
The conference was informative, the awards banquet was humbling, the trip up the Willis Tower was amazing if somewhat scary, and the visit to see the Chicago Cubs baseball game was pretty dull but an experience. Not everything went smooth in that I accidentally left my suit at home (hence photo unfortunately shows my attire as casual rather than smart), I waited 4 hours to get through US passport control at Chicago airport, and then realised that all US bills did not include tax which left me a little short of money. However, these were just dropped stitches in my trip’s tapestry.
If anyone has the opportunity to be nominated, and the fortune to win then I would highly recommend it. I have only positive memories to go by now.”
[Name withheld], PSNI - “Winning the ACIA award was a fantastic advertisement for the analysis, myself and my colleagues produce and the positive impact of analysis on Policing business if implemented correctly. The recognition provided a platform for analysis to become an even more integrated and necessary component of efficient Policing.
The progression to winning the IALEIA award and traveling to Chicago, USA to receive the award was an unexpected bonus. The conference itself was very well organised and professional and a rather glamorous affair with much pomp and ceremony! Talks and workshops were wide and varied with speakers of the highest calibre and a much welcomed emphasis on transferring theory into practical Policing.
On a personal basis I found both award ceremonies to be a valuable experience for myself and the highlight of my career is far. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with international peers and come away knowing you are part of a large and knowledgeable community thanks to the ongoing efforts of ACIA and IALEIA.”
IALEIA Professional Service Award 2012
Gary Williamson and Sue Budworth (Norfolk Constabulary) won the IALEIA Professional Service Award in San Diego for their collaboration on Op Penguin (a burglary series involving eleven police forces across the UK to which the offender pleaded guilty, receiving an eleven year sentence). Gary and Sue integrated analytical techniques into both the investigative and intelligence functions to identify the offender. They cultivated the use of new datasets through the innovative use of "Tracesmart", a system relatively unknown to policing at that time. Tracesmart provided the missing link for the investigation in terms of showing how the offender selected his victims and also left an evidence trial that could be cross-matched with his mobile phone activity records.
John Smith, Sue Budworth (receiving also on behalf of Gary Williamson) and Jenny Johnstone.
The San Deigo IALEIA 2012 award
Award Winners 2011
Prize Winners
- Brendan Goffin - Suffolk Constabulary
- Natalie Conway - Hertfordshire Constabulary
- Police Staff member - Police Service of Northern Ireland
Highly Commended
- Ian Norris - Hertfordshire Constabulary
- Helen Murphy - Durham Constabulary
- Jim Dunleavy - Durham Constabulary
- Paula Wensley - Cleveland Police
- Victoria Price - Durham Constabulary
Awards were presented at the ACIA Conference on 24th May 2012.
Award Winners 2010
Winners of this year's ACIA Awards were presented with their trophies and prizes at the annual ACIA conference held at Coventry University on 7th April 2011.
Overall Winners:
Sue Budworth and Gary Williamson (Norfolk Constabulary)
Sue Budworth and Gary Williamson won the award for their work on Operation Penguin, an investigation into a prolific distraction burglar who targeted victims across 13 police forces. Gary’s proactive and tenacious research and Sue’s innovative presentation of analysis showed an exceptional level of collaboration, successfully integrating analytical techniques into both the investigative and intelligence functions. The offender pleaded guilty and received a sentence of eleven years.
Awards for Excellence:
Keith Jackson, Jon Jeffery and George Adamson (South West Regional Intelligence Unit)
The Award for Excellence is for their work on Project Acumen. This work has provided a detailed national insight into the trafficking of women for sexual exploitation in the off-street prostitution sector.
Jarek Jakubcek (An Garda Siochana)
The award is for his development of a tool to scan internet advertisements, cross referencing the sellers contact number with phone numbers recorded on the Republic of Ireland’s crime recording database to identify adverts being placed by those involved in property and vehicle crime offence.
Highly Commended:
- Maxine Carter and Sarah Ridding (Wiltshire Police)
- Name withheld (Police Service of Northern Ireland)
- Name withheld (Police Service of Northern Ireland)
The volume and quality of nominations this year has been phenomenal and the competition has been extremely fierce. Those listed above have truly demonstrated excellence in their field and deserve to be recognised by their peers.
Award for Exemplary Service to ACIA:
The running of ACIA would not be possible without the significant contribution of a whole host of volunteers and this final award aims to acknowledge that. It is presented to an individual deemed by the ACIA Board to have shown exemplary service and exceptional levels of commitment to the objectives of ACIA.
This year this award goes to Mark Grimshaw, in appreciation of his significant contribution to the formation of ACIA and in recognition of his hard work in establishing and maintaining the ACIA website.
Judges for the 2010 ACIA Awards were as follows:
- Prof. Betsy Stanko – Head of Strategy, Research & Analysis Unit, Metropolitan Police Service
- Dr Shane Johnson – Reader, Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London
- Ms Kate Pearce - Former Head of Analysis, NPIA
- Mr Jack Wraith – CEO, Telecoms UK Fraud Forum
- Mr Andrew Kent – Research Officer, Home Office Research & Analysis Unit
- Mr Mark Evans – National Manager: Intelligence, New Zealand Police National Intelligence Centre
- Ms Sarah Czarnomski - 2009 ACIA Award Winner
- Mr Anothony Lewis - 2009 ACIA Award Winner
- Mrs Aimee Reed - 2009 ACIA Award Winner
- Mr Saifur Rahman - 2009 ACIA Award Winner
Award Winners 2009
The winners of the 2009 ACIA Awards were announced, and prizes presented, at the inaugural ACIA conference held at Ordnance Survey’s Headquarters in Southampton on 27th January 2010.
This years ACIA awards process received more nominations than any previous year, and there has been some very tough competition in some of the award categories. The awards were judged by an independent panel of experts that are highly regarded in their field.
The judging panel was made up of:
- Professor Betsy Stanko – Head of Strategy, Research & Analysis Unit, Metropolitan Police Service
- Dr Shane Johnson – Reader and lecturer at the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, University College London
- Supt Mark Lynch - Director of Intelligence, South Wales Police
- Mr Jack Wraith – Chief Executive of the Telecoms UK Fraud Forum (TUFF)
- Mr Mark Evans – National Manager for Intelligence, New Zealand Police National Intelligence Centre
- Ms Kate Pearce – Head of Analysis, National Policing Improvement Agency
Prizes were generously donated by i2 Ltd, The Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science, Immobilise (the UK property register) and the Federation Against Copyright Theft. ACIA would like to thank each of these sponsors for their support.
The winners by category are:
ACIA Individual Award for Excellence
This award is presented to the individual analyst judged to have shown innovation, initiative and perseverance in the application of analysis; providing a fresh, pioneering insight into criminal activity.
The winner in this category is Joy Caws from Warwickshire Police for her work on Operation Budapest, the 2007 shooting of a Hells Angel on the M40 in Warwickshire.
Joy Caws receiving her award from Amy Powell, ACIA Awards Director
ACIA Team Award for Excellence
This award is presented to the team judged to have shown exceptional levels of collaboration and integration of analytical techniques into the investigative or intelligence functions.
The winners in this category are a team from the Camden Partnership Information Unit for the development and implementation of a Problem Solving Business Cycle, which has introduced problem solving to Safer Neighbourhoods Policing. This team was made up of Anthony Lewis, Saifur Rahman, Vicky Saggers, Sarah Czarnomski, Patrick Coulson and Ziya Adnan.</p>
Anthony Lewis, Saifur Rahman and Ziya Adnan receiving their award on behalf of the their team, from Amy Powell, ACIA Awards Director
To find out more about the Camden Problem Solving Approach take a look at Lewis Anthony,2010, Implementing A Problem Solving Approach To Neighbourhood Policing – The Camden Experience, International Journal of Police Science and Management
ACIA Award for Outstanding Contribution
This award is presented to the individual or team judged to have made an outstanding contribution to crime analysis or the analytical function.
The winner in this category is Aimee Reed from the Metropolitan Police Service, for her innovation in placing analysis at the forefront of covert policing in her force.
Aimee Reed receiving her award from David Scott, Sales Manager for i2, and joint sponsor of this year’s conference.
Award for Exemplary Service to ACIA
The running of ACIA would not be possible without the significant contribution of a whole host of volunteers and this award, new for 2009, aims to acknowledge that. It is presented to an individual judged to have shown exemplary service and exceptional levels of commitment to the objectives of ACIA.
The first winner of this award is Jon Jeffery from the South West Regional Intelligence Unit, in appreciation of his significant contribution to the formation of ACIA and in recognition of his persistence in establishing the post and processes required as the Membership Director.
Certificates of Commendation
Due to the high quality of many of this year’s entries, the following list of runners-up will also receive Certificates of Commendation to recognise their achievements:
- Marc Jones – South Wales Police
- Marcus Evans – Welsh Regional Intelligence Unit
- Craig Patrick – Dyfed-Powys Police
- Sarah Galambos – NPIA Serious Crime Analysis Section
- Mark Lavender - Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Poojah Kanesh - Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Sue Quittenden - Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Ziya Adnan - Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Anthony Lewis – Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Geyv Kathoke – Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Jon Paris - Camden Partnership Information Unit
- Julie Brennan - Camden Partnership Information Unit
Aimee Reed, (Met police) & Joy Caw, (Warwickshire Constabulary)
Having won prizes in the 2009 ACIA Award, Joy Caws and Aimee Reed were both automatically entered into the IALEIA annual awards. Due to the very high standard of their nominations both were announced winners of the 2011 IALEIA Professional Service Award, given to individuals for "outstanding contributions as intelligence analysts to the achievement of law enforcement objectives". Joy and Aimee were invited to the IALEIA Conference in Nashville, Tennessee to receive their prize at the Awards Banquet.
Joy Caws from Warwickshire Constabulary tells us more about the experience:
"It was a real highlight to my career, and I am so glad and thankful that I was given both the award and the opportunity to attend. The conference was excellent- more pomp (National Anthems, flags! Etc.) than our conferences, but of the highest standard, and I would rank it up there and totally comparable with the best conferences I have attended over here. There were talks on everything from Microsoft Excel specialist techniques, to Smuggling, to covert cell site work. One thing that was also apparent was the professionalism that Analysis is regarded over in the states. It is a well-regarded, professional career choice, with people serving their whole careers in different ranks of analysis, and much less of a staff vs officer divide, which really struck me,"
Aimee Reed from the Metropolitan Police Service also spoke very highly of the conference, the awards and their value to analysts:
"Traveling to the USA to pick up the award was fantastic. The Conference was extremely well organised and offered a wide range of high calibre speakers on all areas of serious and organised crime. It was very practitioner-focused and this was largely because the content of the courses and seminars aimed to use analysis to direct law enforcement activity - not just a high-brow overview of academic theory. It was obvious that intelligence professionals are held in much higher regard in other jurisdictions than the reported perception of intelligence staff within UK law enforcement. The long-establishment of IALEIA appears to have been influential in this and I hope that ACIA can achieve the same. I was really interested in the link between training of analysts and the conference. Basically, all new analysts are expected to attend the Conference to become accredited and trained in specific techniques. On a personal note, winning was a real surprise, as you are judged all over again by international peers but it was great to meet analysts from all over the World - especially Joy and her family! A great experience"
Previous Judges have included:
- Richard Berry: Assistant Chief Constable, Gloucestershire Police
- Simon Bradwell: GCHQ
- Dr Spencer Chainey: Director of Geographical Information Science, University College London Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science
- Jonathan Drake: Assistant Chief Constable, Staffordshire Police, Chair of the National Analyst Working Group
- Mr Mark Evans: New Zealand Police Service
- Steve Heywood, QPM: Deputy Director NCA
- Karyn McCluskey: Director, Scottish Violence Reduction Unit
- Edward Hampson: Head of Intelligence Analysis, Kent & Essex Police Serious Crime Directorate
- Dr. Shane Johnson: the Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science
- Mr Andrew Kent: Home Office Research and Analysis Unit
- Sherry: GCHQ
- Prof. Betsy Stanko: the Metropolitan Police Service
- Mr Jack Wraith: CEO of the Telecoms UK Fraud Forum (TUFF)
- Giles York: Chief Constable, Sussex Police